National standards clock movement of 1 second
Clock movement divided into electronic quartz movement and mechanical movement, both each have each advantages and disadvantages, and each have each use of the crowd. What is the overall error of the standard clock movement? It also according to the clock movement quality, good quality watches and clocks's walking movement precision must be high, poor quality of the error is big. Everyone know mechanical movement weakness is not as precise, someone said that the error in 10 to 20 seconds per day or more, but electronic quartz clock movement has precise benefits, and nation standard error/day in two to three seconds. On the market also has a better price and high quality quartz clock movement,the precision is higher, the precision error of plus or minus in 1 seconds a day.
HR1688 quartz clock movement let you fondle admiringly
HR1688 quartz clock movement is the earliest research and development of the watch machine core, movement time and upgrade optimization, gear set through the scientific and reasonable design, gear shape is smooth, low noise operation, etc. Due to this quartz clock movement special advantage, increases the movement precision and service life,and price is reasonable, is very popular. Craft gifts, household products trading company is quartz clock movement of loyal customers!